Friday, March 21, 2008

La Luna

I decided to add a moon photograph  every full moon.... I have plenty already and of course can photograph more... here in Brooklyn there is a big beautiful moon out right now. I just don't have the inclination to go out in the night in NYC alone. But the moon is as much mine as anyone else who thinks the night is theirs..... take back the night for all those feminist out there.
So here is the one I choose for this evening. It was taken at the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn. I belonged to the Gowanus Dredgers for a year. It is a great canoe club located in Brooklyn dedicated to preserving and revitalizing the Gowanus Canal. As you can see there is much that is rustic and natural left even in Brooklyn.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Beautiful shot!

Interesting idea with the full moon pics :)